Howard Shore takes part in a panel discussion on “The Future of Europe” at the Milken Institute London Summit
“Political polarization, fueled by a massive influx of immigrants and a lagging economic recovery, is threatening the future of the European Union. EU members are increasingly divided over how to deal with thousands of refugees seeking safe haven from Middle East wars. The crisis adds to discontent over economic policies, particularly in the UK, where Prime Minister David Cameron has promised to re-negotiate the terms of Britain’s membership ahead of a referendum on whether the country should leave the 28-member bloc. The disillusionment is driven by factors that include the continent’s slow economic rebound, a desire to shed EU trade and financial regulations and another immigration issue, Eastern European job seekers who enter Britain under the EU’s open-border policy. A more stable EU economy, however, may be rallying support for maintaining the Union.” The Milken Institute
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Louisa Bojesen, Anchor, European Closing Bell, CNBC
Howard Shore, Executive Chairman, Shore Capital
Peter Beyer, Member, Bundestag, Germany
Nigel Farage, Leader, UK Independence Party; Member, European Parliament
Juan María Nin Génova, President, Spain-USA Foundation; Former Deputy Chairman and CEO, CaixaBank